Also test for:

Lead exposure


Our 14 panel at home STD kit allows you to get the answers you need without having to take the time to drive to a lab or spend money on copays to visit a doctor’s office. That’s right, you won’t even have to leave your home! As accurate as testing in a clinic, this is the most comprehensive STD test pack on the market today.

While other at home STD kits only test for the most common sexually transmitted diseases, the myLAB Box Total Box kit has been designed to test for all 14 top STD risks.

Our 14 panel STD test is exactly what you need to make sure you are healthy and STD-free. Each test uses FDA-approved technology, is pain-free, easy to use, discreet, and effective.

HPV add-on: This test is only available for women 30 years of age or older. It should not be ordered by men of any age or by women under 30.

Complete 14 panel STD test kit for at-home use

The myLAB Total Box test pack screens for all STD risks using FDA-approved technology:

Included in the 14 panel STD test combo “Total Box” are:

More info on the tests included in the Total Box 14 Panel STD kit:


Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection is referred to as Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS). This infection is often asymptomatic. However fatigue and flu-like symptoms can be early signs of the virus. While there is no cure there are excellent treatments available.

Hepatitis C

Infection with Hepatitis C often has no identifiable symptoms. Left untreated, it can cause liver disease including cirrhosis and liver cancer.

Herpes Simplex Type II

Also known as genital herpes, this STD can cause painful genital sores and can affect both men and women.


Caused by Treponema pallidum bacteria, Syphilis is a treatable disease that can present with small ulcers on the genitals or in the mouth. Without treatment, dangerous complications can occur.

Chlamydia (genital, throat, rectal)

Chlamydia is the 3rd most common STD in the US. Some of the most recognizable symptoms of chlamydia include burning on urination and vaginal or penile discharge. Most infections however do not have symptoms.

Gonorrhea (genital, throat, rectal)

Gonorrhea is one of the most common STDs. Symptoms may include lower abdominal pain, a sore throat, and yellowish vaginal or penile discharge.


Symptoms of Trichomoniasis among men include discharge, an irritated or itchy penis and burning while urinating. Symptoms among women can include vaginal discharge, burning while urinating and discomfort during sexual intercourse.

HPV (Human papillomavirus) [option add-on for women 30 years of age and older]

High-risk Human papillomavirus types can lead to a number of genital cancers in women. More often than not, no external visible signs will be present.

Mycoplasma genitalium

Infection is frequently asymptomatic in women and can also be asymptomatic in men. For men, when symptoms do occur, they can include burning or stinging on urination and discharge from the penis. For women, symptoms can include burning on urination, abnormal vaginal bleeding, and vaginal discharge. Mycoplasma genitalium can also cause pelvic inflammatory disease with pain in the pelvic area and pain during sex. Chronic infection may also lead to tubal-factor infertility and adverse pregnancy outcomes including preterm birth and spontaneous abortion. All of these symptoms and conditions can be caused by other sexually transmitted infections (STIs) such as chlamydia and gonorrhea, and caused by non-STIs as well, making diagnosis difficult without testing.

Don’t stress, just test!

Many men and women don’t get tested due to embarrassment or a busy schedule, hesitation, or anxiety of the doctor’s office. But there’s now an easier, less embarrassing and more convenient way for you to test for STDs.

1. Test at home with the most comprehensive panel on the market
Reduce your risk and screen for all sexually transmitted diseases/infections with just one set of samples. Test yourself in just 5 minutes by following our easy instructions.

2. Enjoy fast results in 2 to 5 days
You do not need to worry about scheduling appointments, office or lab visits.

3. Secure and private
HIPAA-compliant testing and reporting. No waiting rooms and no awkward conversations.

4. Free consultations
For positive results, get advice from real Physicians in your state free of charge. Enjoy our service with peace of mind!

Your Total STD Testing Solution

Being symptom-free does not mean you or your partner might not be infected. As many as 80% of people carrying an STI may not show symptoms. Extended incubation periods for several different STIs mean you may not be able to detect an infection for up to 6 months from the time of exposure so the only way to truly know is to test regularly.

Frequent testing is a must for anyone engaging in intimate activities. With myLAB Box, you are now empowered to do that from the comfort of home while saving valuable time and money.


Why is primary HPV testing used for cervical screening for women 30 years of age and older?
In women under 30, hrHPV infections are relatively common and are usually cleared by the immune system in two years or less. As a result, screening for women under 30 years of age could detect HPV infections that are short-lived (usually less than 2 years), creating unnecessary worry and possibly leading to unneeded and damaging treatment and expenses. However, once a woman is 30 years of age or over, the presence of hrHPV infections takes on special significance and requires further evaluation.

How about HPV testing for men and testing at sites other than the cervix?
Unfortunately, HPV tests for men and HPV tests done on non-cervical sites such as the mouth and throat are not accurate. In addition, there are no treatments available for men with hrHPV positive tests and for men or women with hrHPV positive tests in the mouth and throat. As a result, CDC does not recommend HPV testing for men and does not recommend HPV testing at non-cervical sites such as the mouth and throat.

myLAB Box offers at home collection tests with mailing to the laboratory. The performance of these tests on your samples complies with all state and federal regulations regarding laboratory testing.